What has Jesus taught and spoken for the LORD
a. A gentle word of grace and blessing 5:1-12
b. As people who are part of God’s work we are to be of good to the world: salt, light.12-16
c. Jesus teaching goals—to fill up the teaching of the law and prophets 17-20
Block on relation to people: 6 antitheses you heard…I say
a. Starts with angeràseek out reconciliation 21-26
b. Starts with adulteryà intentions matter 27-30
c. Starts with divorceà we don’t rid ourselves of people 31-32
d. Starts with oathsà truthfulness in speach 33-37
e. Starts with retaliationàresponding to contempt, coercion and manipulation 38-42
f. Friends and enemiesàlove based in God 43-48
Block on religious actions 6 avoiding hypocrisy
a. Almsgiving-secret
b. Prayer—private; model
c. Fasting-internal
d. Storing up treasure
e. Illustrations: a sound eye (goals?); servants and masters
f. About worry
More on people 7
a. A Do not judge and condemn 1-5
b. A’ …but use some discernment
c. B Persist in prayer (which I suspect involves frustration with people)
d. B’ …and use your creativity and imagination with other people.
Three illustrations
a. Difficult for better, easy for worse 13-14
b. Teacher evaluation format: a tree and the fruit 15-20
c. Provocative wake up at the wind up. 21-23
d. Two builders-hearers and doers 24-27